Post Covid Rehabilitation

Dear Colleagues, Dear Friends,

Patients who are hard hit by the coronavirus need interdisciplinary rehabilitation. There is still a lot we do not know about this disease. Enormous efforts have been made to better understand this infection and to find the vaccine and treatment. 

We, the rehabilitation doctors must help them to recover as well as possible and help them to live a normal life as soon as possible. 

Each patient will help us to better understand their needs. Therefore, we want to collect the most relevant clinical data to understand the evolution of our patients and to improve - harmonize our rehabilitation program. 

Please find enclosed our rehabilitation program for patients after COVID 19. We have tried to make a program that can be applied to everything and have set relatively simple follow-up criteria. 

If you are interested in this call for a collaboration please reply to the following email address You will first be invited to a video meeting for discussion and then you will be able to retrieve the excel table and the scales to fill in.

We hope to collaborate with you, 

Best regards

Dr. Serdar Kocer
President of ISNeReM
Hopital du Jura Porrentruy Suisse
E-mail :
Telephone : +41 32 465 64 01
Secretariat : +41 32 465 63 46
Fax : + 41 32 465 69 48

Chers Amis, Chers Collègues,

Les patients qui sont durement touchés par le coronavirus ont besoin d'une réadaptation interdisciplinaire. Il y a encore beaucoup de choses que nous ne connaissons pas de cette maladie. Enormément d'efforts ont été engagés pour une meilleure compréhension de cette infection et pour trouver le vaccin et le traitement.
Nous, les médecins de réhabilitation devons les aider à récupérer le mieux possible et les aider à la vie normale le plus tôt possible.

Chaque patient nous aidera à comprendre mieux leur besoin. Raison pour laquelle nous souhaitons collecter les données cliniques les plus pertinents afin de comprendre l'evolution de nos patients et améliorer - harmoniser notre programme de rééducation.

Vous trouverez ci joint notre programme de rééducation pour les patients après COVID 19. Nous avons essayé de faire un programme applicable par tout et fixé des critères de suivi relativement simple.

Si vous êtes intéressé par cet appel de collaboration veuillez nous répondre à l'adresse mail suivant Vous serez invité dans un premier temps à une vidéo réunion pour discussion puis vous allez pouvoir récupérer le tableau Excel et les échelles à remplir.

En espérant pouvoir collaborer avec vous, veuillez accepter mes sincères salutations.

Docteur Serdar Koçer
Médecin-chef de service
Centre de rééducation.
Hôpital du Jura Porrentruy Suisse
E-mail :
Téléphone : +41 32 465 64 01
Secrèterait : +41 32 465 63 46
Fax : + 41 32 465 69 48


Legend of abbreviations
COPD Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
VTE Venous thromboembolic disease
SpO2 Peripheral oxygen saturation
RR Respiratory rate
PT Physiotherapist
CF Cardiac failure
BP Blood pressure
b.i.d. twice a day
q.d. once a day
EKG Electrocardiogram
ABI Ankle-brachial index
DVT Deep vein thrombosis
CKD Chronic kidney disease
PVR Post-void residual volume
UC Urinary catheter
MDRD Modification of Diet in Renal Disease equation
Speech T Speech therapist
HbA1c Glycated haemoglobin
TSH Thyroid stimulating hormon
MMSE Mini Mental State Examination
OT Occupational therapist
Neuropsy Neuropsychologist
HADS Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale
ROM Range of motion (joint)
Jamar Jamar dynamometer (measurement of grip strength)
ADL Activities of Daily Living
FIM Functional Independence Measure
NPRS Numerical Pain Rating Scale
CRP C-Reactive Protein

Inpatient Rehabilitation:
Average length of stay: 3-6 weeks, with outpatient follow-up if necessary. Assessment at admission, between D1 and D3, for the organization of patient care and rehabilitation. Assessment at discharge, D discharge-7, for preparation of the discharge; home visit if necessary.

Standard rehabilitation program:
- Parameter monitoring, body care, treatment, 2-3x / d by the healthcare team;
- Individual physiotherapy 2x / d and exercise training 1x / d;
- Occupational therapy 2-5x / week;
- Speech therapy up to 5 sessions per week;
- Neuropsychological care if cognitive disorders;
- Support by psychologist 1x / week;
- Dietary monitoring;
- Followed by the diabetology and wound care team.

A respiratory rate> 22/min is a contraindication to active exercise. If SpO2 <90%, the indication for oxygen therapy should be reviewed. Decreasing SpO2> 4 points, compared to resting SpO2, may require adjustment of exercise intensity and oxygen administration. If symptoms such as chest pain, dyspnoea, palpitations, blurred vision, confusion, etc. occur, stop the exercise and call the physician in charge.

Authors: Serdar Koçer and Simone Gracio
24.04.2020, v1e
